Found 15 Posts
19 Things You Should Throw Away For Bett...
When we talk about the steps you need to take to get healthier, they often involve buying new things: workout clothes, fitness equipment, ingredients for healthy recipes, and the list goes on. But be...
10 Moves that prove you’re fit.
Some exercises require a high level of fitness before you can even attempt them. Master them, and you’ll be the envy of everyone at the gym. Here are 10 of the most awe-inspiring feats of stren...
Why the FDA Is Warning People about Dark...
Two new pieces of chocolate news may have us reaching for candy hearts instead this Valentine’s Day. Allergic to milk, or know someone who is? A recent study by the food and Drug Administratio...
115-Year-Old Woman's Secret to Life: Raw...
Three raw eggs a day keeps death away, according to super-ager Emma Morano. People who were single and unhappy about it on Valentine’s Day might be cheered by the story of Emma Morano, who has...
10 Surprising Stress Busters.
Gaining control over external stress"rs starts with two things: accepting that they’ll always be there, and being confident that you can manage stressful feelings using an arsenal of mental and...
The Common Soda Ingredient That May Up Y...
More and more, researchers are delving into the health threats of soda pop, and scientists at Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) may have found another. According to a new study published...
10 Ways To Get Protein Without Eating Me...
Protein: It’s the nutrient your system needs to build and repair every body tissue, a process that’s constantly ongoing. And because it takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, it fill...
Wake Up In The Best Mood With These Slee...
The surprising secret to a slimmer, healthier you?Learning to love and take advantage of your mornings. A growing body of research shows that early risers reap a host of rewards, from feeling more pos...
10 Foods I Eat Every Day to Beat Depress...
A year ago this month my husband and I started a new diet. It had nothing to do with a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. For about nine months, he had been suffering from bad hives all over...
10 One-Minute Tricks to Get More Organiz...
You don’t need to sacrifice a weekend (or even an hour) to tidy up. We’re not saying that decluttering isn’t an overwhelming task—but the best way to create a set-it-and-fo...
9 Low-Calorie Snacks You'll Want To Eat ...
Snacks can be essential for staving off hunger between meals and keeping you fueled from your early morning workout until your late night dinner with friends. But small bites can also be a nutritional...
5 Foods Proven To Boost Productivity
Need another reason to go green? A new study finds a colorful plant-based diet helps boost physical health, productivity and overall mood.Close to 100 GEICO employees, who were either overweight or di...
This High-Intensity Interval Circuit Bur...
High Intensity interval training (HIIT) is the fastest way to lose weight and burn body fat. Get ready to turn up the heat with the latest installment of Yahoo Health’s original workout series ...
7 Unhealthiest Foods On The Planet.
These seemingly innocent foods should be placed on your personal 'no-eat' list. Some zones aren’t so self-evident. Take, for example, the aisles of your local supermarket. You know the candy b...