Found 15 Posts

Teens using steroids to put on some musc...
According to a new study a growing number of teenagers are moving towards steroids and protein powders to put on muscle. They say pressure to perform in sport and the media's more muscular body ideal...

A new vaccine for flu that could last fo...
A new vaccine for treatment of flu is under developing stages in Germany that may work for life. Currently a vaccine based on the functioning of a molecule related to single stranded DNA protects anim...

Pork in grocery stores found contaminate...
Recently a consumer report study showed that pork found in grocer stores in the US was highly contaminated with bacteria causing food poisoning and a lot that were found to be resistant to antibiotics...

Clostridium difficile vulnerable to anti...
A bacterium called Clostridium difficile is type of bacteria causing diarrhea especially in adults. According to a study strains of Clostridium difficile became resistant to antibiotic due to the reas...

Leukemia beated with modified HIV
US doctors said they have saved a seven year old girl who was close to dying from leukemia by pioneering the use of an unlikely ally a modified form of the HIV virus.After fighting her disease with ch...

New policy of Human Organ Transplantatio...
A comprehensive policy for the transplantation of human organs such as heart, liver and kidney has been evolved. As per policy, human organs would be transplanted to the needy ones according to the te...

Diabetes and eye vision co-related
According to a recent study diabetes cases in America are rising day by day so, does the rate of eye vision. Diabetes is not just an ordinary disease of which we can say it's gonna fade away without a...
WHO warns diseases set to rise
Diseases are more likely to spread in the coming days due to Globalization, changing lifestyle and population densities, warned the head of WHO.Higher population density, industrialisation of food pro...

Think before you eat
The American Academy of Family Physicians offers this advice to consider before you start eating:Ask yourself whether you truly are hungry or if you are eating to fulfill another need, such as stress ...

HIV used to fight itself
An Australian scientist said on Wednesday he had discovered a way to turn the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) against itself in human cells in the laboratory, in an important advance in the quest f...

Spinning Clinical Trials
Reports from clinical trials for breast cancer drugs are often rife with bias and spin, according to a study published this week (January 9) in Annals of Oncology.Researchers from the University of To...

7 shattered obesity myths
These myths now-a-days have taken control of majority of peoples mind.The myths were:Small sustained changes in energy intake or expenditure will produce large, long-term weight changes.Setting realis...

Drug pumped straight into brain gives ho...
Scientists have camed up with a procedure to remove blood clots the size of a golf ball from stroke patients by injecting a drug straight into the brain could offer hope for sufferers.During the treat...

New Coronavirus 'Eerily' Like SARS
The novel coronavirus outbreak in the Middle East is eerily similar to SARS, according to an expert who was part of a team studying a cluster of cases in hospitals in Saudi Arabia.Perl was part of an ...

New implant helps 3-year-old boy hear hi...
Three-year old Grayson Clamp, born without a cochlear nerve, became the first child to receive an auditory brain stem implant last month. The implant was successful, shocking young Grayson as he hea...