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Found 15 Posts

Three Knoxville Area Men Tried to Sneak $1,000 Worth Video Games out of Walmart
Three Knoxville Area Men Tried to Sneak ...
02 October 2014

According to a Kingsport Times News report, three men stuffed $1,000 in stolen Walmart games in their pants. September 13, at late night, prevention officer at Walmart apprehended three suspects. The ...

Selfie Sticks Banned at the Smithsonian.
Selfie Sticks Banned at the Smithsonian.
05 March 2015

No, madam. You may not use one of those in our Civil War exhibit, lest there be another civil war.I have had several friends come down with the disease.Their cheeks turn a strange rose color. Their ey...

The Key to Better Sleep is an Organized Bedroom
The Key to Better Sleep is an Organized ...
13 March 2015

How to organize your bedroom??? â€œIt’s nicest when a bedroom can be a sanctuary, a place for sleep and relaxation,” says Maeve Richmond, founder of NYC-based Maeve’s Method h...

Earthquake  in Nepal
Earthquake in Nepal
28 April 2015

The weather makes threats to hold up with look for, save and onslaught operations in the wake up of the main 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has taken lives thousands of populace with the death fee ri...

Intimidation to Sea Turtles
Intimidation to Sea Turtles
28 May 2015

Sea Turtles play an important role in maintaining the health of the marine ecosystem.They are one of the most alluring and time-worn creatures of Earth.They are a source of fundamental link in marine ...

Toshiba Introduces a High-Tech Lettuce.
Toshiba Introduces a High-Tech Lettuce.
29 May 2015

Yes, the world is penetrating towards agricultural sector.This time its not a laptop,television or any other electronic device its a lettuce.Toshiba making the electronic factory a farm that is growin...

Blind Toads found on Brazilian Island.
Blind Toads found on Brazilian Island.
31 May 2015

According to the researchers and zoologist, the toads invaded the Brazilian island several decades ago .These innocent toads do not know that they will turn bad on that paradise.Now almost all of them...

Enchanted narwhals"Unicorns of the sea" becoming an endangered specie.
Enchanted narwhals"Unicorns of the sea" ...
15 June 2015

The angelic Narwhals living in the white land are ravishing.The long tusks bulging from their heads has made them "Unicorns of the sea".Narwhals are related to the species of bottelnose,belugas,harbo...

Protection for seagrass meadows
Protection for seagrass meadows
27 June 2015

Seagrasses are underwater plants that serve as home grounds for young fish.They are mostly found in shallow,sheltered marine coastlines. Seagrass plays an important role in health section through out ...

  Heat Records break in this June in US
Heat Records break in this June in US
13 July 2015

The U.S. West is still baking. The temperatures for June are into and five Western states felt their warmest June ever and four continue to see their warmest year-to-date very soon as 2015 hits th...

Hundreds evacuated in Texas as a consequent of storm
Hundreds evacuated in Texas as a consequ...
25 July 2015

Hundreds of people were ordered to abandon flood-threatened areas of Texas as heavy rains tattered the state, where at least 15 people have been killed in weather-related incidents. People were tol...

NASA just found 'Earth 2.0'
NASA just found 'Earth 2.0'
18 August 2015

NASA just found 'Earth 2.0' Earth might befall dilapidated at any instant due to global warming, nuclear eradication or having to covenant with another Paul Blart movie, however fortunately NASA just...

Twitter shuts down 30 Websites enthusiastic to saving Politicians ‘Deleted Tweets
Twitter shuts down 30 Websites enthusias...
26 August 2015

                                                                                                           Twitter has shut down a group of sites...

Windows 10 update makes organizing emails easier
Windows 10 update makes organizing email...
04 September 2015

Microsoft is building a latest Mail characteristic accessible on Windows 10. With the newest Insider Preview make, you can currently turn off chat view in the Mail app. The awful information is that y...

iPhone 6S display touted to obtain a appealing big resolution upgrading
iPhone 6S display touted to obtain a app...
08 September 2015

With just two days remaining awaiting Apple's big iPhone event on September 9, the gossip crush is still spitting out leaks regarding the predictable iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. This time, a rev...