Covid-19 Affecting Life

Covid-19 has paused the world.No sports no outdoor activity,no business,offices are closed,markets are shut down,economies are in crisis it seems like earth is having a break off humans.being home for days have drained almost all of us and we are waiting for when our lives will be back to normal.
In a news briefing President Donald Trump said that Coronavirus has grown in America and he predicted that it can kill at least 200,000 Americans,trump also speculates that hospitals are stealing masks and ventilators.The death toll has risen in NYC,more ventilators are required as a doctor in a report said that they are using one ventilator for two patients.Trump also said that america will be practicing its social distancing guideline till 30 of April.
After Europe now America has become the epicenter of coronavirus,China is going back to its normal routine,China reports zero new cases of coronavirus.
This is the time we stand and support our healthcare system and take precautionary measures.But we are in this together,while we stay home and take care of ours as well as the lives of our loved ones.