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A Warning from Motoring Experts: Apple Watch could Put you in Prison for up to Two Years

A Warning from Motoring Experts: Apple Watch could Put you in Prison for up to Two Years

Though, this amazing Apple gadedt
is not released yet but the drivers have been warned that using the gadget while driving can put them in prisons. The gadget will allow the users to receive and make calls, monitor their health and check their messages by operating the device on their wrists. Meanwhile, it has also been reported that the people who uses such gadgets while driving can cause fatal crashes; that is the reason London-based Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has warned that Smart-watches will impair driving performance.  IAM has presented a report in which it is clearly marked that mobile phone was a contributory factor in 1,960 road accidents in which 110 were fatal. So it is decided that with the completely new user interface people can do lot many things but not while driving.

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