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A Survey Reveals Astonishing Results: More than half of the Female Workers are Harassed by their Female Bosses or Colleagues

A Survey Reveals Astonishing Results: More than half of the Female Workers are Harassed by their Female Bosses or Colleagues

Female bullying at workplace has been an important topic to discuss; a recently conducted survey in UK unveils a truth; more than half of the women said that they are being harassed or bullied by their female bosses or colleagues. Interviews were conducted with over 2,000 men and 23,000 women; it was said that women were facing other women as biggest enemy in the workplace. One woman in four reported that they had been harassed by either boss or senior colleagues in terms of work overload and criticism on their abilities. One woman in 8 said that they had been sexually harassed by their female colleagues; it includes proposing for sexual favors, physical contact or leering and displaying disgusting material like offensive emails, posters and sexual nature’s texts. Sharing her own experience, one woman said that there will be bullying at the workplace in future but there is a need of effective ways to deal with it and the women should know what not to do when bullied at work; as 25% of the directors would be women by 2015 where the present ratio is 20.7%, according to a Government's voluntary code.

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